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1 -- Build an Effective Social Business Strategy in 8 Steps
Can you share information without compromising security or control? All it takes is one rogue Twitter or Facebook post to deliver a significant blow to your brand image. While you can’t be cavalier about who says what in your organization’s name, neither can you lock down access to social media outlets. So what's the solution? Establish a social media policy to proactively guide your employees on leveraging social business while protecting your organization.
2 -- Prepare Your Organization for Change
How well your employees adapt to and adopt a new technology initiative will determine how effect the plan contributes to boosting your company's productivity and bottom line. Learn how to accurately and effectively manage your organization’s content, and adapt to change with an enterprise content management strategy.
3 -- Get Records Management Governance Right in 12 Steps
In order to improve governance and minimize risk to your organization, you must have 100% adoption of records management policies from top level management to line of business employees. Everyone must play a part! Learn how to avoid unfortunate and costly non-compliance issues with this NEW ERM best practices checklist.
4 -- Control Your Information Domain with Governance in SharePoint
A successful implementation of SharePoint for Enterprise Content Management (ECM) requires a strategy and structure for how to share and manage information. Governance, as it relates to information management, addresses how information is created and managed in the enterprise. Most organizations have some form of information governance in place, the question is how well can it be applied to your SharePoint environment.
5 -- Design a Successful Taxonomy in 9 Steps
To remove inefficiencies with your business information you need to first have a process for identifying and then a plan for eliminating those gaps. Read this new checklist and learn how to successfully develop taxonomies with your organizations content.
6 -- Improve Co-Authoring and Collaboration in SharePoint
Organizations will succeed only when you encourage a collaborative environment in all aspects of information management. Learn ways to simplify business intelligence, content management, search and sharing in this FREE checklist.
7 -- Make Better Business Decisions With Capture
Companies run on information. Your customers' information enters your company from paper documents, email, fax, mobile, Web, social, and MFPs. Capture is no longer a take paper, insert in scanner, create document image process. Capture tools can now ingest data from multiple streams and covert into meaningful insight that can improve your business.
8 -- Pave the Right BPM Cowpath
If your organization is like most, you've got bottlenecks in how your organization captures, accesses, and manages core business information. Get this checklist and learn how to streamline and re-engineer your processes with some powerful research results.
9 -- Achieve Records Management Best Practices
Organizations need to take a holistic approach to managing their records and information. Policies and processes must address information across the whole enterprise. As email and instant messaging have come into extensive use, we have seen additional policies to support their usage. In the past few years, as social business has become very popular in organizations, we are seeing policies that cover social media that may very well address the use of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media applications.
10 -- Conduct a Social Business Assessment
Effective management of business processes requires periodic assessment to determine whether goals and objectives are being met, and to take corrective actions where they are not. At the same time, one of the challenges organizations face as they implement social business processes and technologies is determining where to start. In both instances it makes sense to conduct some sort of formal, rigorous assessment to understand where the organization is for particular processes and how to improve them.
11 -- Unclog Your Business by Automating Content-Intensive Process
Most business processes happen through serendipitous need. Action is needed, someone does something that works, and the organization accepts this as the way things should be done going forward. As such, many organizations do not fully understand how things happen nor have they considered alternative ways to improve their processes, especially in relation to their content and how it moves through the organization. In order to truly understand organizational processes and the impact they have with content or content with the process, you need to map the process and document the interaction with content.
12 -- Assess Scanning and Capture Requirements
From the beginning of time, there has been a need to capture information for various reasons. We use the captured information to communicate, and share ideas and history with others, evolving from hieroglyphics to modern day content in both paper and digitally-born form. To manage the capture of paper-based information, imaging is the tool used to scan and connect the paper world of the past with the present. All of this effort in capturing and managing information revolves around the desire to organize and find those bits of information deemed to have business value.
13 -- Automate ERM with SharePoint
Back in the era of SharePoint 2007, few people thought we’d be discussing records management with SharePoint 2010, let alone automating records management with it. Yet here we are with this very real possibility and two ways that we can achieve it. In this paper, we start by answering the question that is begged of ERM automation in SharePoint that most start with, namely, “is that even possible?” The short answer is... Yes. The long answer is, it must be planned and isn’t easy to establish, you need a good amount of knowledge up front, but an organization that plans will be served very well.
14 -- Support Collaboration and Social Business with ECM
Often, Enterprise Content Management (ECM) projects are mandated from above to address a business problem that has emerged or a perceived benefit that will be gained as a result of implementing ECM. At other times, ECM is a strategic directive focused on moving an organization in a new direction based on vision of what the organization could be like in the future. This is where we will often hear references to the use of ECM technologies in support of collaboration and social business initiatives. Organizations want to strengthen collaborative capabilities internally and expand interactions with clients through the use of social media tools. In either case, you will need to identify the organizational vision and goals, and current state problems in achieving those goals.
15 -- Use SharePoint as a Self-Help Knowledge Center
People have different styles of learning. The challenge of any new system, and SharePoint is no exception, is getting people comfortable enough that they will return, use it, teach themselves, and encourage others. By having a self-supported system, with access to online training materials for the basics, support/helpdesk calls are largely reduced. The other challenge is inspiring people to share what they learn with others and to document as they go. As with any acquired skill; we all forget very quickly how hard it was to begin, and how easy it became with time. Tools like wikis and FAQ forums all assist in capturing and sharing the knowledge from the whole team.
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