Check out the Top 10 Excuses (we've captured on video) that executives love to make to avoid cleaning up their digital landfill. (In no particular order!)
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Excuse #1: If we need to, we can usually find it. We usually can find the information we need when a customer calls. Sometimes it takes a while, but once we send out an email to all staff asking for the information, it usually shows up after a bit.
Reality: It’s true; given enough time, people usually can come up with the information they need. But sometimes time is a luxury they just don’t have … like when a lawsuit reaches the discovery stage!
Trying to find a particular document in an organization has been likened to everything from locating a needle in a haystack to retrieving Indiana Jones’ Lost Ark from the government warehouse into which it is loaded at the end of the movie. Most of the time, it isn’t a legal imperative that triggers the search, but rather a business reason. Either way, there is a cost associated with having to do it, and that cost tends to be exorbitant in an unmanaged environment.
Consider that the typical office worker spends 40% of his or her time looking for information, and then do the math. If he had only known, don’t you think Indy would have labeled that crate before it disappeared into the maw of the repository? In this way, you, too, should take steps to index your content for ready retrieval – before it’s too late. (There’s no sequel in real-life information management!)
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